DOWNLOAD  PAGE           

This page allows to download: 

  • Programs that you have purchased (for example if you have selected to Download the program instead of receiving a CD-Rom by mail). 
  • Updates of your software.
  • Or get your free horoscope with our Demo version.



The download links below are intended for customers who have purchased our program. If this is not your case, see the section Demo version to get a better idea of the quality of our software. After having determined which program is the best for you and your needs, you can order it on our website, or by e-mail.

New purchase with the Download option: If you are a new customer and have ordered a program choosing to download it on our website (see “Order checkout” for more information), you will receive a total of three e-mails: one to confirm the order, a second to indicate the serial number that you will need to enter during the installation of the program (this e-mail will also state all the necessary download links), and a final message with your invoice in PDF format.

Once you have downloaded all the elements (program, user's guide...), we recommend you save them to an external hard drive or other media, since they will not be available on our website indefinitely, but only a few years. You may also want to print the user's guide for more convenient access, and manually write your serial number in the first or last page.

After installing the downloaded software with your serial number (follow the procedure described in the manual), you must send to us by e-mail the information of the last window to receive your activation code. The activation of your software will automatically start its warranty.

Note on downloads: if you are using Windows 10 or 11 and a message tells you that you cannot install an application outside those of the Windows Store, here is what to do it: open Windows Settings, then select Apps, then Apps and features. In the right part, change the choice "Allow apps from the Store only" to "Allow apps from anywhere".

Please note that our programs are not compatible with Windows 10 or 11 in S mode or ARM, Windows Phone or Windows 8 RT.

You can download programs for the following versions:


            PROGRAMS Version 12            

CD-ROM Version 12: For our new customers, or for users who have trouble with their CD-ROM, version 12 can be downloaded with the link below. Once you have downloaded the file SetupAstro12 (which contains the same files that the CD-ROM, with the exception of the expanded atlas and the USB key driver, which are available below), double-click on the file and follow the procedure described in the user's guide. You will need to enter the serial number of your program when prompted. This SetupAstro12 file allows you to install any or our astrological programs (Astro-PC, Infociel Windows and Special Uranian Astrology).
Note: This link is available for customers who have purchased a version 12 license. If this is not your case, see the “Updates” section (in case you want to upgrade an older version) or refer to the “Software” page in the case of a new purchase. 
                                  Download the CD-ROM of the version 12   (150 Mb)

User's guide: Use the following link to download the Manual (PDF file). After copying it to your computer, double-click on the file to display it on the screen. We recommend that you print it for more convenient access.

USB security key driver: If you have purchased a USB security key for your program (dongle), you can install the driver using this file: SetupDriver. Download it and start it until you get the message “Operation successfully completed”, which indicates that the driver has been installed correctly. You can then run the file SetupAstro12 offered above to install the program.

Aureas expanded atlas: If you purchased the program Astro-PC Pro, you can download the additional database of worldwide cities with this link: SetupCities. Save the file on your computer and then double-click on it to start the installation. Note that it is a large file and will take some time to download. This atlas can only be used with Astro-PC Pro, so do not install it if you have another program.

Installation in another language: The astrological program is installed by default in the language of your Windows version. You can change the language that is being proposed during the installation. However, if you purchased a program including interpretation texts in French, you must choose the same language when installing, otherwise the texts will not be available.

            PROGRAMS Version 11            

CD-ROM Version 11: For our new customers, or for users who have trouble with their CD-ROM, version 11 can be downloaded with the link below. Once you have downloaded the file SetupAstro11 (which contains the same files that the CD-ROM, with the exception of the expanded atlas and the USB key driver, which are available below), double-click on the file and follow the procedure described in the user's guide. You will need to enter the serial number of your program when prompted. This SetupAstro11 file allows you to install any or our astrological programs (Astro-PC, Infociel Windows and Special Uranian Astrology).
Note: This link is available for customers who have purchased a version 11 license. If this is not your case, see the “Updates” section (in case you want to upgrade an older version) or refer to the “Software” page in the case of a new purchase. 
                                  Download the CD-ROM of the version 11   (140 Mb)

User's guide: Use the following link to download the Manual (PDF file). After copying it to your computer, double-click on the file to display it on the screen. We recommend that you print it for more convenient access.

USB security key driver: If you have purchased a USB security key for your program (dongle), you can install the driver using this file: SetupDriver. Download it and start it until you get the message “Operation successfully completed”, which indicates that the driver has been installed correctly. You can then run the file SetupAstro11 offered above to install the program.

Aureas expanded atlas: If you purchased the program Astro-PC Pro, you can download the additional database of worldwide cities with this link: SetupCities. Save the file on your computer and then double-click on it to start the installation. Note that it is a large file and will take some time to download. This atlas can only be used with Astro-PC Pro, so do not install it if you have another program.

Installation in another language: The astrological program is installed by default in the language of your Windows version. You can change the language that is being proposed during the installation. However, if you purchased a program including interpretation texts in French, you must choose the same language when installing, otherwise the texts will not be available.

            PROGRAMS Version 10            

CD-ROM Version 10: For our new customers, or for users who have trouble with their CD-ROM, version 10 can be downloaded with the link below. Once you have downloaded the file SetupAstro10 (which contains the same files that the CD-ROM, with the exception of the expanded atlas and the USB key driver, which are available below), double-click on the file and follow the procedure described in the user's guide. You will need to enter the serial number of your program when prompted. This SetupAstro10 file allows you to install any or our astrological programs (Astro-PC, Infociel Windows and Special Uranian Astrology).
Note: This link is available for customers who have purchased a version 10 license.  
                                  Download the CD-ROM of the version 10   (90 Mb)

User's guide: Use the following link to download the Manual (PDF file). After copying it to your computer, double-click on the file to display it on the screen. We recommend that you print it for more convenient access.

USB security key driver: If you have purchased a USB security key for your program (dongle), you can install the driver using this file: SetupDriver. Download it and start it until you get the message “Operation successfully completed”, which indicates that the driver has been installed correctly. You can then run the file SetupAstro10 offered above to install the program.

Aureas expanded atlas: If you purchased the program Astro-PC Pro, you can download the additional database of worldwide cities with this link: SetupCities. Save the file on your computer and then double-click on it to start the installation. Note that it is a large file and will take some time to download. This atlas can only be used with Astro-PC Pro, so do not install it if you have another program.

Installation in another language: The astrological program is installed by default in the language of your Windows version. You can change the language that is being proposed during the installation. However, if you purchased a program including interpretation texts in French, you must choose the same language when installing, otherwise the texts will not be available.

            PROGRAMS Version 9.5            

CD-ROM Version 9.5: For our new customers, or for users who have trouble with their CD-ROM, version 9.5 can be downloaded with the link below. Once you have downloaded the file SetupAstro95 (which contains the same files that the CD-ROM, with the exception of the expanded atlas and the USB key driver, which are available below), double-click on the file and follow the procedure described in the user's guide. You will need to enter the serial number of your program when prompted. This SetupAstro95 file allows you to install any or our astrological programs (Astro-PC, Infociel Windows and Special Uranian Astrology).
Note: This link is available for customers who have purchased a version 9.5 license.  
                                  Download the CD-ROM of the version 9.5   (90 Mb)

User's guide: Use the following link to download the Manual (PDF file). After copying it to your computer, double-click on the file to display it on the screen. We recommend that you print it for more convenient access.

USB security key driver: If you have purchased a USB security key for your program (dongle), you can install the driver using this file: SetupDriver. Download it and start it until you get the message “Operation successfully completed”, which indicates that the driver has been installed correctly. You can then run the file SetupAstro95 offered above to install the program.

Aureas expanded atlas: If you purchased the program Astro-PC Pro, you can download the additional database of worldwide cities with this link: SetupCities. Save the file on your computer and then double-click on it to start the installation. Note that it is a large file and will take some time to download. This atlas can only be used with Astro-PC Pro, so do not install it if you have another program.

Installation in another language: The astrological program is installed by default in the language of your Windows version. You can change the language that is being proposed during the installation. However, if you purchased a program including interpretation texts in French, you must choose the same language when installing, otherwise the texts will not be available.

            PROGRAMS Version 8.7 (and 8.5)            

CD-ROM Version 8.7: For our new customers, or for users who have trouble with their CD-ROM, version 8.7 can be downloaded with the link below. Once you have downloaded the file SetupAstro87 (which contains the same files that the CD-ROM, with the exception of the USB key driver, which is available below), double-click on the file and follow the procedure described in the user's guide. You will need to enter the serial number of your program when prompted. This SetupAstro87 file allows you to install any or our astrological programs (Astro-PC, Infociel Windows and Special Uranian Astrology).
Note: This link is available for customers who have purchased a version 8.7 or 8.5 license.   
                                  Download the CD-ROM of the version 8.7   (80 Mb)

User's guide: Use the following link to download the Manual (PDF file). After copying it to your computer, double-click on the file to display it on the screen. We recommend that you print it for more convenient access.

USB security key driver: If you have purchased a USB security key for your program (dongle), you can install the driver using this file: SetupDriver. Download it and start it until you get the message “Operation successfully completed”, which indicates that the driver has been installed correctly. You can then run the file SetupAstro87 offered above to install the program.

Installation in another language: The astrological program is installed by default in the language of your Windows version. If you want to install the program in another language (French, English, Spanish or Italian), download the following file: SetupWeb. Save this file in the same location (directory) than the SetupAstro87 file (see above), then start the installation by double-clicking on the SetupWeb file. Select the desired language ​and continue installation. However, if you purchased a program including interpretation texts in French, you must choose the same language when installing, otherwise the texts will not be available.



The updates of our programs (and Daylight/Summer time files) can be downloaded from this page. Such a possibility exists for the programs listed below.
Note that there are no more updates available for versions 10 and older, that are out of warranty and often not adapted to the current versions of Windows. In this case, to know how to manually enter the time difference with these versions, see the on-screen help of your software.

If you use Windows XP, only versions 7.0 and later are 100% compatible. With Windows Vista, you can install and use versions 8.5 and higher. With Windows 7, you need at least the version 8.7, and the version 9.5 with Windows 8. With Windows 10 or 11, our version 12 has been developed to be fully functional with this new systems (except the "S mode" or Windows ARM).

To find your version number, click on the Help menu of the program and select the line “Info on...”. The version number appears above your name. It can also be found on the warranty registration card, on the invoice or in the user's guide.
If you want to update an older program with the latest version 12, see the prices on this page.

For information on how to save and restore your personal files in case you change your computer, or if you want to upgrade an older program to the latest version, refer to your user's guide.

Note on downloads: if you are using Windows 10 or 11 and a message tells you that you cannot install an application outside those of the Windows Store, here is what to do it: open Windows Settings, then select Apps, then Apps and features. In the right part, change the choice "Allow apps from the Store only" to "Allow apps from anywhere".

You can download updates for the following versions:

            Version 12  (for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP3)            

PROGRAM: For the users of our astrological software in version 12, the updates can be done automatically via the Help menu in the program -- select Updating program and Summer Time files and then click on the “Software and DST files” button.
If you have problems updating the program automatically, you can download the update by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, run the update and follow the instructions on the screen.
                                  Download update of your astrological program Version 12    (5 Mb)

SUMMER TIME FILES: When you download and install the update of the program (see above), the daylight/summer hours files are updated simultaneously. To know until when the summer hours have been updated, go to the data input window of the program, enter a natal chart for the year 2030, and click on the “Verify TZ+DST” button. You will see below a message stating till what year are programmed the summer hours.

CD-ROM Version 12 and USERʼS GUIDE: If you need to download again the CD-ROM or the user's guide of your version 12, see above

            Version 11  (for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP3)                          

PROGRAM: For the users of our astrological software in version 11, the updates can be done automatically via the Help menu in the program -- select Updating program and Summer Time files and then click on the “Software and DST files” button.
If you have problems updating the program automatically, you can download the update by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, run the update and follow the instructions on the screen.
                                  Download update of your astrological program Version 11    (4 Mb)

SUMMER TIME FILES: When you download and install the update of the program (see above), the daylight/summer hours files are updated simultaneously. To know until when the summer hours have been updated, go to the data input window of the program, enter a natal chart for the year 2030, and click on the “Verify TZ+DST” button. You will see below a message stating till what year are programmed the summer hours.

CD-ROM Version 11 and USERʼS GUIDE: If you need to download again the CD-ROM or the user's guide of your version 11, see above

            Version 10  (for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP3)            

PROGRAM: For the users of our astrological software in version 10, the updates can be done automatically via the Help menu in the program -- select Updating program and Summer Time files and then click on the “Software and DST files” button.
If you have problems updating the program automatically, you can download the update by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, run the update and follow the instructions on the screen.
                                  Download update of your astrological program Version 10    (4 Mb)

SUMMER TIME FILES: When you download and install the update of the program (see above), the daylight/summer hours files are updated simultaneously. To know until when the summer hours have been updated, go to the data input window of the program, enter a natal chart for the year 2030, and click on the “Verify TZ+DST” button. You will see below a message stating till what year are programmed the summer hours.

CD-ROM Version 10 and USERʼS GUIDE: If you need to download again the CD-ROM or the user's guide of your version 10, see above

            Version 9.5  (for Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP)            

PROGRAM: For the users of our astrological software in version 9.5, the updates can be done automatically via the Help menu in the program -- select Updating program and Summer Time files and then click on the “Software and DST files” button.
If you have problems updating the program automatically, you can download the update by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, run the update and follow the instructions on the screen.
                                  Download update of your astrological program Version 9.5    (3 Mb)

SUMMER TIME FILES: When you download and install the update of the program (see above), the daylight/summer hours files are updated simultaneously. To know until when the summer hours have been updated, go to the data input window of the program, enter a natal chart for the year 2020, and click on the “Verify TZ+DST” button. You will see below a message stating till what year are programmed the summer hours.

CD-ROM Version 9.5 and USERʼS GUIDE: If you need to download again the CD-ROM or the user's guide of your version 9.5, see above.

            Version 8.7 and 8.5  (for Windows 7, Vista and XP)            

PROGRAM: For the users of our astrological software in version 8.7, the updates can be done automatically via the Help menu in the program -- select Upgrading program and Summer Time files and then click on the “Main program & DST files” button.
If you have problems updating the program automatically, you can download the update by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, run the update and follow the instructions on the screen.
Note: if you are using Version 8.5 of our programs, you can also use the link below to make a direct update to Version 8.7, without having to uninstall and reinstall the software (there are only few differences between the two versions, which mainly concern the compatibility with Windows Seven). After this update, please note that the shortcut to start your program will be called “Aureas v8.7” (instead of “Aureas v8.5”).
                                  Download update of your astrological program Version 8.7   (3 Mb)

SUMMER TIME FILES: When you download and install the update of the program (see above), the daylight/summer hours files are updated simultaneously. Note that the DST files for this old version are not updated since March 2015.

CD-ROM Version 8.7 and USERʼS GUIDE: If you need to download again the CD-ROM or the user's guide of your version 8.7, see above.




VERSION 12: Demo for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7,  Vista and XP-sp3

In order to test our programs in the privacy of your home, and determine which program is the best for you and your needs, we invite you to download a demonstration version which includes all our programs. This Demo allows you to test the programs using for instance your natal chart data.  

Download the Demo of the Aureas astrological software - Version 12  (150 Mb)

After downloading the Demo to your hard disk, double-click on the file SetupAstro12 and follow the on-screen instructions.

Note on downloads: if you are using Windows 10 or 11 and a message tells you that you cannot install an application outside those of the Windows Store, here is what to do it: open Windows Settings, then select Apps, then Apps and features. In the right part, change the choice "Allow apps from the Store only" to "Allow apps from anywhere".

IMPORTANT: To learn how to install and use the Demo version, read first the following instructional section. Take the time to study it to avoid making mistakes in the input of the chart data that will be used by the Demo. For more information on using the program, you can also download the user's guide.



            HELP ON THE AUREAS DEMO Version 12            

You will find below the information needed to install and use our generic Demo program, which gives you a sample of all Aureas astrological programs, using for instance your natal chart data. You can print this help section out on paper -- this may simplify the process for you. 


  Installing the Demo  

Our Version 12 programs work on Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP-sp3 (but are not compatible with Windows 10 or 11 in S mode, Windows 10 or 11 ARM, Windows Phone or Windows 8 RT). 

Important -- Begin by closing all open applications.  You have to install the program in an Administrator account (and not a limited access account).  Some antivirus software may cause problems during installation. In that case, you will have to deactivate them temporarily. See your antivirus user's guide.

Installation steps:

1.  After downloading the Demo on our website, double-click on the file copied onto your computer: SetupAstro12. You will be asked to choose the language in which you want to install the software.

2.  The installation begins. A first message will display indicating that you must shut down all other running programs before starting the installation of your new program. Click Next to continue.

3.  A new window indicates in which directory (and disk) the program will be installed. You can change it, but we recommend that you use the directory selected by default (C:\Program Files\Aureas12) to avoid later confusion. Click on the Next button to continue, then on Install.

4.  The installation procedure is validated and completed by a message indicating that the program has been correctly copied to your hard disk. A shortcut (icon) has been automatically created on the Desktop in order to make program access easier, and also on the Start screen of Windows 8, if you use this system.

5.  Now, you can start up your program either by doing a double-click on the Aureas v12 icon created on your Desktop or Startup screen. Alternative (with Windows 11, 10, 7, Vista and XP): Click the Start button at the bottom left of the screen, select All Programs or All apps, then click on the Aureas v12 icon. 

  Using the Demo  

Each time you start the program, the following window will be displayed:  

To access the demo version, simply click on the “AUREAS Demo” button to the right. The demo will start and display the following window:

The Missing Security” message displayed on the top means that the Demo program can be tested with only one chart, for example your natal chart.  You can use most of the functions of the programs, but they will only work for the single chart whose data you input, carefully and correctly the first time.  The forecasting charts -- transits, solar returns... -- and the date search functions will also be restricted to the years stated in the message.

To choose which program you want to test, simply click on one of the yellow rectangles.  You can obtain prior information about each program by clicking on the small icon to the left of its name (short description), or see the detailed presentation available on our website -- for this, simply click the option Internet Description”.

Input the demonstration chart data:

You can use the Demo version with only one chartIt is therefore important to enter the chart data without errors.  Yet, the Demo can be installed on as many computers than you wish, with different natal chart data each time.  You should enter the data for a natal chart on any single computer as though it cannot be modified any more.  (You will be able to change the hour, the day, or the longitude and the latitude, but NOT the month or the year -- these are the only options available if you enter the data improperly.)

After selecting the desired program, and only the first time, a window is displayed asking you to input the birth data for the chart you wish to use for the demo.

IMPORTANT: note that the date order in the program will match automatically with your operation system settings.  In the example below you see the standard European Day-Month-Year ordering, but if your computer operating system is set to the standard American order Month-Day-Year, the program will automatically reflect that date ordering.

1)   Click inside the box located to the right of the Name button and type the name you want to associate with the chart -- you can use either lower or upper case.

2)   To select the country, click on the Country button: a list of countries and regions will appear. Have a look on this list to become familiar with how the states and countries are categorized and notated. With the mouse, you can use the scroll bar to the right of the window to find the correct section of the alphabet where the country of birth is located.  You can also type on the keyboard the first letters of the country to access it directly: for example, if you type “USA” (quickly), you will arrive directly to the first country beginning with these letters. You can then select the desired country by double-clicking on its name. A third way to select the country is to use the search function located to the right: type only some letters of its name in the input field and click on the Search button. A new window will display the list of all the countries including the characters you typed. Just double-click on the desired country. 
State or Region: If you select a country using several time zones, such as the United States, an additional window will appear asking you to choose the state (or region, province, area, etc.). Proceed like for the country. For our example, you will have to select “USA CALIFORNIA”.

3)   After selecting the country, the City button located below is automatically activated and displays the list of cities available for the selected country/state. Again, scroll through the different choices to find the city you want, then double-click on its name. You can also type the first letters of the city to access it directly: by typing “New”, you will arrive directly to the cities beginning with these letters. A final possibility is to use the search box on the right: if you type “York” in this area and click on the Search button, you will get all the cities including these characters. Then double-click on the desired city. Once you have selected the city, the cursor will move directly to the input box date, and the software will automatically display its latitude and longitude below the city name.
Selection of the city: depending on the selected country, if the number of available cities is important (like for Spain), an intermediate window will appear asking you to indicate the first letter of the city name. Clicking on a letter will display only the cities starting with that letter.

4)   Enter now the date of the Natal chart as recorded on the birth certificate, or from another reliable source. You can type the year, month, and the day of birth in the individual windows. You will have to enter year-month-day, or month-day-year, or day-year-month depending on your Windows parameters. You may find it easier to use the arrows next to each window to increase or decrease the numbers. If you type in the numbers, follow each entry with the Tab key, to proceed to the next data window.  Use the mouse or the keyboard to go to each input area. Note: do not hit “Enter” after individual entries, or the program may think you have finished entering all data for the individual or event. Use only the Tab key or mouse.
Hours should be entered in the standard international 24 hour format, which very simply adds 12 hours to births after noon; this standard international professional and business practice avoids confusion between AM and PM births.  (The order of the year, month, and date is reset via the “Regional Settings” options in the Control Panel of your Windows operating program, and so remains identical to the settings you have chosen for your Windows operating system.)

5)   If you click on the Verify TZ+DST button (TZ = Time Zone, DST = Daylight Saving Time), the program will automatically display below the time change for the country for the entered date and displays the Universal Time and the time difference from U.T.  Check the month and year of birth, and note that you won't be able to change them later!

6)   You have the option of entering the sex of the native before completing the data entry: click M for male or F for female near the bottom of the window. The choice “?” is used for companies, events, etc.

After completing the various input fields, you will see a complete input window similar to this one:

Check the data carefully and finish by clicking the OK button: the chart is saved in memory and automatically displayed on the screen. You can also ask for the Natal chart to be displayed by clicking the Natal option on the menu bar and selecting the first line: Natal Chart. Click the OK button in the open window: your demo chart appears on the screen. Note that the chart graphics can be changed using the functions accessible via the Options menu, Chart Graphics.


  Testing the Demo  

You now can use all the functions in the application -- with a few exceptions -- on the chart whose data you just entered. The forecasting functions --directions, transits, returns-- as well as the date search functions, are restricted to certain years only in the demo version.

To access all information needed to help you use the application, help files are accessible from a number of places. For example, from the Help menu, or from the keyboard: press the F1 key at any time to access information relating to the function or command you are using. Note that if you are using Windows 8, 7 or Vista, you may be asked to download a special program to view the help files on the screen. You can download the WinHlp32.exe file, available on the following page, to have convenient access to the help files of our programs. Note that If you are unable to install the WinHelp program described above, you can use the html format help files, which are however less convenient. To do this, when you are in the astrological program, click on the Options menu and select Advanced users. In the window that appears, check the line "Compiled help files" and press OK.

We recommend that the first time you use your application, you configure it and customize it to fit your usual astrological criteria. Refer to the various options like Astrology School Settings and the choices in the Options menu. Check also the applications Screen Help (see the Help menu). Note that the various Infociel and Special Uranian Astrology program contain only options related to their specialized area.

To access printed help for installing and using your program, you can also download and then consult a program User Guide in PDF format. To do this, go to your internet access/browser program, and use the following link: Manual12US.pdf
In the Demo, you also have access to a Tutorial from the program Help menu, Training lessons.

Selection and testing of another software:

If you want to test another program than the one you selected at the beginning, simply exit/quit the program and restart the Demo: you will get again the window allowing to choose the program you want.
It is also possible, without leaving the Demo, to select another program: for this, go to the Options menu and select Other software Demo.  


  Uninstalling the Demo  

To uninstall the program, click the Help menu in your astrological software and select the first line: Info on Aureas demo. In the window that displays, click on the [Tools] menu in the top left, and then select Remove program and security codes... This quits the software automatically and displays a yellow window titled « Aureas Tools », that shows you different choices.
Just click on the button “Uninstall the software” of this small window.
At the end of this procedure, your astrological program will be deleted from your hard drive, except for your personal files located in the “Aureas12” directory of the “Documents” (or “My Documents”) directory. If you don't want to keep these files, delete them manually.


